Halloween is coming soon. I have nail art tutorial for your Halloween. I think it's messy, creepy, and scary xD
But if you want to do it, you need :
1. Nail polish (Red blood, white, black color), i didn't use transparent color, so it looks like real and not a lot of luster ^^
2. Scissors (for cut the tape)
3. Scotch tape
4. Sponge

Step 1 :
block with white color on your nail.

step 2 :
make a triangular shape. look the picture, i give the dot

step 3 :
use tape to cover and make straight line. look the picture for more details

step 4 :
block all with black color. so it will look like this !!

step 5 :
use the sponge and red blood color on the sponge, wipe the sponge on your nails. don't wipe to much. just a bit, but looks real like blood. let it touch your skin. it will look more real

Tadaaaaaa ~ it's so easy guys !! you get it done. enjoy your Halloween ;)

thanks for visit and reading my blog ^^
hope it help