Siapa yang suka maskeran angkat tangan! nah ketahuan, aku sendiri yang angkat tangan xD
karena aku gak bisa lihat kalian angkat tangan dari kejauhan hahaha
kemarin kan uda cobain tuh masker yang home made.
nah sekarang aku mau cerita nih sama kalian semua (yang baca postingan ini)
tentang pengalamanku memakai masker Coony varian Pearl Essence Mask (iya yang warna ungu itu loh)
Pertama-tama aku akan kasih tahu fungsi masker ini. funginya adalah untuk mencerahkan dan membuat wajah kita berseri-seri (wauw berseri-seeeerriiii) xD
selanjutnya aku akan kasih tahu kalian apa aja sih bahan yang terkandung di dalamnya. ini dia
Water, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Beta Glucan, Aloe Barbadenis Leaf Juice, Xanthan Gum, Pearl
Powder, Penthenol, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Polysorbate 80, Disodium EDTA, Tocopheryl Acetate, Fragrance, Portulace Oleracea
Extract, Amorphophallus Konjac Root Extract, Althaea Rosea Flower Extract, Nyamphaea Alba Root Extract, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit),
Fruit Extract, Lonicera Japonica (Honeysuckle) Flower Extract, Opuntia Coccinellifera Flower Extract
Water, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Beta Glucan, Aloe Barbadenis Leaf Juice, Xanthan Gum, Pearl
Powder, Penthenol, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Polysorbate 80, Disodium EDTA, Tocopheryl Acetate, Fragrance, Portulace Oleracea
Extract, Amorphophallus Konjac Root Extract, Althaea Rosea Flower Extract, Nyamphaea Alba Root Extract, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit),
Fruit Extract, Lonicera Japonica (Honeysuckle) Flower Extract, Opuntia Coccinellifera Flower Extract
buatan Korea
diproduksi oleh COEM
nah sekarang aku kasih tahu lagi cara pemakaiannya / bisa lihat pada gambar di atas ^
1. Cuci muka, udah gitu aplikasikan pelembab favoritmu (gak pake pelembab juga gapapa)
2. tinggal tempelin aja maskernya ke wajah. tekan pelan-pelan ya biar rapi
3.diamkan selama kurang lebih 15-20 menitan, uda gitu bisa di buang maskernya
4. kemudian tepuk-tepuk dengan jari-jari perlahan (ingat, tepuknya pake jari, bukan pake sendok)
5. untuk hasil memuaskan, kalian bisa pake 2-3x seminggu

well, menurut penelitian yang telah ku dapat. masker ini bentuknya seperti tissu basah(lihat gambar di atas^). ukurannya kalau buat aku gede banget, sampe lubang bagian mata sama mulutnya gak pas karena kegedean wkwk padahal uda coba pas-pasin di muka. lubang di bagian mulut malah bisa jadi di bagian dagu xD
untuk aromanya sih wanginya lembut (kayak tissu basah, sama kayak bau bau bedak bunga gitu)
pertama pegang maskernya kalian bakalan ngerasain jari kalian licin kayak habis di olesin sabun.
aku pake sih 20 menitan ya. di bilang masker kering sih ngga, cuman agak kering(jadi kalo di peras ya masih licin di jari) sehabis pake masker ini wajah berasa licin, harum maskernya nempel di muka.
udah sih itu aja yang aku rasain selama pemakaian :)
thanks for visit and reading this post.
hope it help
have a nice day

Nail...nail...nail... siapa yang suka nail art ?? kali ini aku mau berbagi pengalaman nih ^-^
buat nail art sendiri, tanpa ribet alatnya. nail polish ini udah dilengkapi alatnya loh. uda ada kuas, jarum pun dia punya, isinya juga dong so pasti hahaha

yang ku suka dari nail polish ini :
♥ multi fungsi. bisa pake kuasnya dan bisa juga buat lukis pake jarumnya.
♥ cepat kering
♥ mudah di aplikasikan
♥ gak perlu banyak alat uda bisa bikin nail art yang bagus.

nah kalian bisa lihat gambar .gif yang telah ku buat. dia memiliki 3 penutup.
penutup kuas (warna hitam, tinggal di putar aja), penutup jarum (warna orens, tinggal tarik aja), dan penutup semuanya (warna putih, tinggal tarik aja). nail polish ini bentuknya kayak type-x hehe
oiya, sebelum memakainya, kocok dulu ya :)
dan buat kalian yang baru pertama kali buka penutup jarumnya. jangan kaget kalau isinya keluar terus. (kan habis dikocok, ibarat soda dalam botol gitu, dia nyembur hehe)
untuk lukisnya, kalian bisa pake kuasnya yang kecil atau kalian buka tutup jarumnya dan kalian lukis seperti memegang type-x (bukan pake jarumnya)
dan buat kalian semua yang pengen beli nail polish atau perlengkapan
meni cure pedi cure. kalian bisa add facebook dan instagram Lovelle
Nailshop di bawah ini

FB : Lovelle Nailshop
IG : @lovellenailshop
kalian juga bisa dapetin inspirasi nail art dari Lovelle Nailshop loh ~
so, tunggu apalagi? take it so fast guys
be beauty with your nails ;)
kalian juga bisa dapetin inspirasi nail art dari Lovelle Nailshop loh ~
so, tunggu apalagi? take it so fast guys
be beauty with your nails ;)
IBB Make Up Challenge November 2014 SMARTLOOK Underneath Your Skin
Hello everybody! kali ini aku ikutan IBB MUC November. Doakan menang ya hehe ^-^ arigatou.
tema MUC bulan ini kewl banget, temanya adalaaaaah ~ jeng jeng jeng ~ futuristic/sci-fi. aku ikutan karena tertarik sama tema dan hadiahnya hahaha XD
buat kalian yang mau ikutan juga, kalian diharuskan untuk like dan follow semua akun sponsor
@smartfrenworld(twitter) @softlensasia(twitter n IG) dan @CJcamjoe
(twitter dan FB)
Dan kalian yang pengen download lagunya bisa klik disini
lagunya enak loh. aku uda download hehe
nah ini nih Teasernya :
Kali ini aku buat look 1 saja, tapi banyak fotonya hahaha narsis mode xD
maklum lah ya, kalo uda coret-coret muka terus foto cuma 1 jepret mah nanggung make up nya lol
nah ini dia make up look nya
tadaaaaaaaaaaaa ~

#SMARTLOOK #UnderneathYourSkin
susah bikin art nyaaa x_x tangan gemeteran, jadi banyak belepotan :'
thanks for reading this post until end
have a nice day!

I got new softlens. this softlens is nice, comfortable and adorable >3< If you want too, buy it at e-circlelens.com now! cosplay lens so many there. take it fast guys . will not be disappointed. We ♥ your eyes http://e-circlelens.com/
when received this softlens. look the brochure. written from e-CircleLens.com , for sure that the store is nice and trusted! they are from Korea

UV PinkMade In : KoreaCode : INCUP28Manufacurer : INNO Vision

this is my eyes before-after use the lens.
pink on the inside and black lines circular.
this lens is nice for cosplay
tips for you :
- if you got this lens, change the water with softlens water. so that the lens is clean and sterile.
- remember that eyes are sensitive, so keep your eyes guys ^-^
- after used don't forget you always have to wash it properly and change the cleaner for your eyes
- cosplay lenses are different from normal contact lenses

If you want UV Pink, you can buy it at e-circlelens. just click here, I will lead you directly to the page ^-^
they will give you 10% OFF when you sign up for a membership and FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE for shopping more than $130 .
wohooooooooo how nice this is :D
$60 become $50
waiting for ??
let's go to here
and let me to flood a picture using this contact lens lolol
3, 2, 1 action XD

don't be bored and thanks for visit and read this post until end
hope it help ^-^
have a nice day

I got a high quality sweatshirt ! the material is soft and not hot. this is perfect ! ^-^
If you want too, buy it on Choies.com now! they have many size and many style. will not be disappointed http://www.choies.com/
If you want too, buy it on Choies.com now! they have many size and many style. will not be disappointed http://www.choies.com/

this is when I just received the sweatshirt. look the package's wrapper. written from www.choies.com , for sure that the store is nice and trusted!

and anyway, I got this sweatshirt for free! yaaaaaaaay I'm so happy !! I know, you will know my feeling >3< muehehe
I feel so lucky when I won, 'cause I know that too many people joined this trial.

look at this, I took the photo front view

side view

back view
just look the real photos, you will know how good the material.
to be honest. I'm not promotion this sweatshirt 'cause I got it for free. but really, this is good and perfect! I already told you before that material is nice, soft and not hot.
Is not only me who said this sweatshirt is nice. look this review, too many people gave the best quality rating, including me ^-^
I don't lie ok! if you don't believe me, just prove it yourself.
to be honest. I'm not promotion this sweatshirt 'cause I got it for free. but really, this is good and perfect! I already told you before that material is nice, soft and not hot.
Is not only me who said this sweatshirt is nice. look this review, too many people gave the best quality rating, including me ^-^
I don't lie ok! if you don't believe me, just prove it yourself.

If you want 3D Ponytail Spoof Skull Print Sweatshirt, you can buy it at CHOIES. just click here, I will lead you directly to the page ^-^
they will give you 50% OFF and FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE.
wohooooooooo how nice this is :D
$39,98 become $19,90
waiting for ??
let's go to here

thanks for visit and reading this post until end
hope it help ^-^
have a nice day

Lets celebrate the new free ebooks blog by having a giveaway!
ENTER TO WIN a $20 AMAZON Gift card!
Now the kindlefree blog moved to the wearewordnerds network, and become http://freebooks.wearewordnerds.com . The best way to get you guys involved was to have a giveaway! The more you help to spread the word, the more entries you earn! So…If you would like to win a free gift card from Amazon, valued at $20, just enter the rafflecopter! Make sure to read all the entries carefully, there are tons of ways to earn extra entries!
Don't miss this guys! lets join and click here to participate.
Good luck ;)

Hi everybody, kembali lagi bersama saya Ryen Hincelois dan senang berjumpa dengan anda di sini hehehe
kali ini aku mau cerita sedikit nih. Aku habis menang giveaway yang di adain sama c +Ellen Tan ,

nah hadiahnya uda sampe rumah, apa aja sih hadiahnya?

- Vitacreme B12 Travel Kit
- Oriflame Hair X- Heat Protection Lotion
- Barbara Mousse
- Angel Lashes Premium Collection
- Coony Pearl Essence Mask
- Sponge Nail art
- Cocoon Facial
- Kutek Jarum
- Glitter
- Cocoon Facial
- Kutek Jarum
- Glitter
- Etude House Baking Powder BB Deep Cleansing Foam (Sample Size)
wiiiihhh banyak banget hadiahnya. iya banyaaaaak xD bingung mau coba yang mana dulu. kalo barbara sih aku uda pernah coba, kan fungsinya buat kakuin rambut, jadi ya jarang banget pake gituan, karena aku lebih suka rambut lembut mudah di atur. kalo kaku gitu mah biasa koko ku yang pake, soalnya dia suka buat rambutnya berdiri haha xD
untuk backing powder dari etude house nya juga udah pernah coba, aku suka banget baunya mint dan kesat di wajah, jadi gak minyakan deh habis pake itu. review lanjutan baca post ku sebelumnya disini
terus nail polishnya udah pernah coba juga sih warna orens, nah ini dapet hijau, ntar di review barengan deh hehe
aku sukanya dari nail polish ini karena dia multi fungsi. bisa pake kuasnya dan bisa juga buat lukis pake jarumnya.
spons nail art sering banget aku pake hehe, soalnya pake spons bisa campurin banyak warna jadi 1, contoh aja kalian pengen buat nail art galaxy, coret-coret aja warna biru, ungu, putih,merah, hijau dalam 1 spons. terus tinggal totolin ke kuku kalian. jari kotor? tentu haha, tapi jangan takut kotor, ntar bagian akhir kan kita bisa bersihin coret-coretan di jari tadi.
untuk yang lain belum pernah coba, ntar bakalan aku review 1 1. stay tune ya biar tau gimana sih reviewnya ^-^
dan buat kalian semua yang pengen beli nail polish atau perlengkapan meni cure pedi cure. kalian bisa add facebook dan instagram Lovelle Nailshop di bawah ini

FB : Lovelle Nailshop
IG : @lovellenailshop
kalian juga bisa dapetin inspirasi nail art dari Lovelle Nailshop loh ~
so, tunggu apalagi? take it so fast guys
be beauty with your nails ;)
kalian juga bisa dapetin inspirasi nail art dari Lovelle Nailshop loh ~
so, tunggu apalagi? take it so fast guys
be beauty with your nails ;)
Mirukuma Select Shop's
Choose Your Brand Outfit Giveaway
Two chances to win!
Starting November 1, 2014, get the chance to win one of these lovely outfits!
Two lucky winners will be chosen on November 30, 2014.
♥ The first winner will be chosen from this Tumblr URL:
and will get their choice of one of the Dress + Blouse Combos shown.
♥ The second winner will be chosen from this Rafflecopter post and will get the other dress (no blouse included)!
Begins: November 1, 2014
Ends: November 30, 2014
Items Up for Grabs:
Angelic Pretty Honey Cake Blouse Pink, Angelic Pretty A la Carte Tea Time JSK Black
Innocent World Icing Cookie Highwaist Jsk Mint Blue
How To Enter:
Please Check Out the Rafflecopter Box on here!
And please be sure to check out Mirukuma.com for:
2. Discount and rare lolita items at the Mirukuma Lace Market Shop.
3. In-store shopping at Closet Child.
Good luck ! ^-^

Hello cuties! Ricehime present to you a cute giveaway! This giveaway is kindly Sponsored by Blippo!
Prize :
♥ Rilakkuma Cookies Sticks
♥ Strawberry Plush Phone Charm
♥ Coris soft bubble gum (peach flavor)
It's okay if you don't win! You can buy these yourselves! Blippo has so many cute tasty things! Check out their shop!
make sure to use her code and get a discount.

- You must enter mandatory entries to qualify
- Do not delete these texts or you will be disqualifies
- Please be 18+ or have parent permission
- Must have your ask box open so I can notify you if you won
- Ends November 11th
- Do not delete these texts or you will be disqualifies
- Please be 18+ or have parent permission
- Must have your ask box open so I can notify you if you won
- Ends November 11th
Good Luck ^-^